Water Proof and Dust Proof
Tight Structure, Small Contact Gap Snap Action, High Sensitivity
Long Life, high Precision and Reliability Widely used in Auto, Agricultural Equipment, Applications, Office Equipment etc
Max Approved Current at ENEC/UL is 10A

Caratteristiche Microswitches

Rating W1ENEC 0.1A 48VDC, 0.1A 125/250VAC,40T85,5E4,μ UL 0.1A
48VDC,0.1A 125/250VAC,T85
Rating W2ENEC- 5A 125/250VAC,5A, 30VDC,40T85,5E4, μ UL: 5A
125/250VAC,5A 30VDC T85
Rating W3ENEC 10(2)A 125/250VAC, 0.5A 125VDC, 0.25A
UL 10.1A 1/10HP 125/250VAC,0.5A 125VDC, 0.25A 250VDC, T85
Freq. Electrical
10-30 times/min
Freq. Mechanical
60 times/min
Contact Res. With Terminal Type50m Ω Max
Contact Res. With Wire Type100m Ω Max
(Depends on the length of the wire)
lnsulation Resistanceat 500VDC, 100M Ω Min.
Dielectric Strength Between terminalsAC 1000V 50-60Hz 1 min
Dielectric Strength Between terminals and housingAC 1500V 50-60Hz 1 min
Storage Temperature-40°C ~ +85° C
Storage Humidity85% RH Max
Protection Grade With Terminal TypeIEC IP67 (exclude terminal)
Protection Grade With Wire TypeIEC IP67
Electric-shock safeguard gradeClass II
E-life2E4-10E4 cycles(depends on P/Ns)
M-lifeover 500,000 cycles or 1,000,000cycles(60cycles/min)
Unit Net WeightApprox.7g (with terminal type and without lever)


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